A collection of beauty industry brands have collaborated to create the Traceability Alliance for Sustainable Cosmetics (TRASCE) consortium.
The initiative, led by Chanel, aims to improve the cosmetics sector’s traceability. L'Occitane en Provence, Shiseido, L'Oréal and Estée Lauder Companies are among the businesses that helped to create TRASCE with Clarins, Merck, Neyret, Nuxe, Sensient, Groupe Clarins, Groupe Pochet and Sisley included also in the list.
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Guillaume Lascourrèges, director of responsible development for the Clarins Group, commented: “The Clarins Group has been working for many years to improve its knowledge of its partners and control of its ecosystem. ... Our commitment to the TRASCE project, alongside other players in the cosmetics industry, is to pool our demands in order to strengthen the duty of vigilance throughout the value chain."