Clariant has launched EcoTain, its life cycle and a label that allows it to assess the protection of human, environmental and ecological health of its products over the value chain and clearly identify what products fulfill those requirements.
Within the framework of a four-step life cycle, EcoTain integrates the principles and ethics of sustainability into business activities according to measurable criteria. The four steps are: sustainable design, responsible process, safe and efficient use and eco-integration. Every product labeled EcoTain in a wide array of applications fulfills these requirements over its entire life cycle.
Sustainable Design: Sustainable thinking starts in the development stage of a product. This means designing it using the safest possible components at the same time as maximizing the use of renewable raw materials.
Responsible process: This step reflects the need to maximize efficiency in terms of final yield coupled with the reduction of emissions, waste, and waste water. This involves following procedures that have been certified for safety and quality (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) and also ensuring the shortest possible distribution routes. Products are manufactured at multiple production sites around the world so that customers can reduce their transport time and costs.
Safe and efficient use: Safety in application and use combined with enhanced performance form the core of step three of the EcoTain life cycle. The focus is on advantages and benefits during formulation and final application. This involves making products highly effective and multifunctional so that customers get more by using less.
Eco-integration: The life cycle of a product is only finished once it has been disposed of. EcoTain principles dictate that products should degrade readily and rapidly under conventional conditions, minimizing the waste produced and its impact on the environment.