Minnesota Joins States Lifting School Sunscreen Bans


Minnesota has joined the list of states permitting the possession and utilization of sunscreen in school without a prescription.

Students may now use sunscreen during the school day on school property or at school-sponsored events. The language was added to an education finance budget bill signed by Gov. Tim Walz.

The ASDSA worked with the Minnesota Dermatological Society, along with the 60 member SUNucate Coalition to advocate for the passage of this law. Other states passing SUNucate include Illinois, Arkansas, Main and Nevada.

SUNucate model legislation, created by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA), is designed to eliminate barriers that prohibit students from possessing and utilizing over-the-counter sunscreen in school by exempting these products from broad reaching “medication bans.”

Related: Why the FDA's 'Sunscreens in the Bloodstream' Study is Flawed

“With Minnesota being the fifth state to pass SUNucate this year, it’s encouraging to see the importance of sunscreen use reach state legislatures and have SUNucate provisions included in other must-pass bills or in its own legislation,” said ASDSA president Murad Alam, MD. “Minnesota has shown its dedication to protecting its students by making sure SUNucate language passed during their legislative session, and we’re grateful to Governor Walz and all the legislators involved. Minnesota students can now practice sun-safe behavior while at school and protect themselves from skin cancer.”

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