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Cosmetic Ingredients
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Type: Article
Section: Regulations > Regional
European Regulatory Update: UK and EU Ingredient Management
The UK and EU have made robust regulatory changes due to recently trending ingredient concerns. Updated guidances for lilial, DHA and cyclic silicones are outlined here, along with other regional updates.
Asia-Pacific Regulatory Update: GMPs, Safety, Ingredient Restrictions, Claims and More
As the first quarter of 2022 came to a close, several regulatory changes were announced in the Asia-Pacific region. Following is an overview, which includes ingredient restrictions, claims guidelines, adverse reactions and more.
Sunscreens and Pipe Dreams for their Regulation in the US
Initially designated as drugs in the U.S., sunscreens have been stifled under regulations and bureaucracy. This article reviews how it came to this, where current regulations stand and proposes a few “pipe dream” solutions.
European Regulatory Update: EGD, Packaging and Green Claims
In parallel with the Green Deal, the EU will outline sustainability measures and crackdown on packaging waste, plastics and green claims. This column provides an overview, along with a brief look at microbiome claims.
Asia-Pacific Regulatory Update: Regulations Refined—GMPs, Children's Cosmetics, Animal Testing and More in China
Following previous Chinese regulatory updates, the author herein presents updated revisions from the fourth quarter of 2021. These revisions relate to cutting down excessive packaging, GMPs, monitoring adverse reactions, animal test alternatives and more.
Stirring Debate: Methylene Blue for Reef-safe Sunscreens?
Methylene blue was previously covered for its potential as an alternative "reef safe" sunscreen. This stirred some debate among readers, as the following excerpts from their comments reveal. See what you think.
EU Restriction on DHA to Minimally Impact Self-tanners
Self-tanning products in the EU will now be limited to a maximum of 10% DHA. Some consumer products are not likely to be affected because they use much lower levels of DHA (1-3%) to gradually develop color.
From 'Clean' to 'Safe' Cosmetics: How EU/UK Regulations Can Shift the Parlance Toward Health—A Commentary
This article outlines how regulators in the EU and UK have put measures into place to assure consumers of product safety, particularly in relation to endocrine disruptors. It also proposes communicating to consumers the extent to which products are tested to shift the parlance from "clean" to "safe."
European Regulatory Update: Greenwashing, Endocrine Disruptors and PFAS
There are robust regulations in Europe regarding chemicals that seem to be based on persistence rather than the analysis of harmful effects. Here, the author highlights regulatory updates in the EU and UK with regard to environmental claims, chemical strategies and more, including endocrine disruptors and PFAS.
China Regulatory Update: Prohibited Ingredients, Labeling and Children's Cosmetics
From March to August 2021, China introduced a series of new and key regulations, indicating the full implementation of its new cosmetic regulatory framework. Following are brief updates.
European Regulatory Update: Siloxanes, Microplastics and the Green Deal
As the UK has undergone regulatory changes in the beginning of 2021, there have been additional propositions to the REACH regulation concerning cyclic siloxanes and microplastics. Explained herein are the key ingredients and chemicals under review, and what potential changes could mean for cosmetic formulations. Additionally, future regulatory insights such as the European Green Deal are explored.
Asia-Pacific Regulatory: Update Regional Reforms
From the beginning of this year to mid-March 2021, China, South Korea and India updated several important cosmetic regulations. Provided here are brief overviews of these updates and requirements in the Asia-Pacific region including safety, animal testing, manufacturing and more.
PCPC/FDA Briefing: VOCs, CBD, PFAs, Talc and the Safe Cosmetics Act
VOCs, CBD, 1,4-dioxane, talc, transparency, PFAs, formaldehyde, allergens and the Safe Cosmetics Act are among the top current areas of focus for the PCPC and FDA. These and other topics were discussed during the PCPC's virtual summit, held May 11-13, 2021.
New Year, New Regulations: Brexit and UK Cosmetic Legislation
When Jan. 1, 2021 arrived, it was the start of updated and revised regulations in the European Union (EU); specifically, in the United Kingdom (UK). Herein, the author delves into UK regulatory updates, which include Responsible Person(s), labeling and more.
Regulating Risk: Fragrance Safety for the 21st Century
Clear-cut guidance has been given to establish fragrance safety based on RIFM’s scientific assessment and IFRA’s standards. This article elucidates the work of the fragrance industry to mitigate sensitization and assure the safety of its products.
Words from Wiechers: A Smelly Business
In this month's "Words from Wiechers" series, we focus on cosmetic regulation, risk/benefit analysis and public education as exemplified through the 7th Amendment to the European Cosmetic Directive and the mandate for fragrance allergen disclosures on product labels.
Sun Care
Expert Opinions: Sun Protection
In our April edition of Expert Opinions, we ask experts about sun protection and what that means for DNA protection factors, eco concerns, pigment alternatives, user safety and more.
Editor's Note: Solving Sun Protection
Sun protection and the mysteries behind it are the focus of our latest edition. Our April issue is about sun care and protection and what this means for the future of the beauty industry.
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