Personal care and cosmetic formulations primarily target the skin and the various layers within the skin. During the development of transdermal and topical formulations, the assessment of API (active pharmaceutical/cosmeceutical ingredient) percutaneous adsorption is critical. These studies are typically conducted using human cadaver skin or animal models. However, there are several drawbacks that exist for these models from a reliability standpoint, and the industry is working on alternatives to animal models.
Strat-M® membrane addresses many of these challenges.
- Transdermal diffusion data has a strong correlation to diffusion through human skin.
- It is a synthetic, non-animal based model.
- There is low lot-to-lot variability.
- It is stable at room temperature.
If you are interested in trying a sample of this alternative method, please fill out the form to receive a free sample of our 25-mm Strat-M® membrane.
Learn more about this innovative technology by visiting
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