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Cosmetic Ingredients
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Type: Article
Section: Regulations > Organic/COSMOS
European Regulatory Update: EGD, Packaging and Green Claims
In parallel with the Green Deal, the EU will outline sustainability measures and crackdown on packaging waste, plastics and green claims. This column provides an overview, along with a brief look at microbiome claims.
Confounding Labels: One ‘Natural’ = 100+ ‘Chemicals’
As most formulators are aware, creating a product with three or more botanicals in it means a final formula containing more than 200 chemicals. How is this better for skin? It's not, according to this commentary.
Certified 'True': Green Virtues in Beauty, Part II
Many cosmetic brands have adopted green and sustainable practices that minimize harm to living entities, i.e., cruelty-free and eco-friendly, while offering “clean” transparency. This second installment in a two-part series covers these practices, along with related certifying agencies and programs.
Second Nature: Sustainability as the Outgrowth of Naturals, A Commentary
Personal care consumers increasingly demand natural products but these are not always sustainable, especially considering the broader principles of this doctrine. This paper is a commentary on natural products and ingredients, certifications and innovations to advance this category in the context of UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Expert Opinions: Color Pause*
Featuring insights on cruelty-free, inclusivity, sustainable, renewable and more, this month's collection of "Expert Opinions" is all about the pause on color cosmetics. Click through to the digital magazine for the complete article.
Expert Opinions: Sustainable Beauty
Featuring insights on circular economy, biotech, mildness, carbon positive moves, biology and more, this month's collection of "Expert Opinions" is all about sustainable beauty. Click through to the digital magazine for the complete article.
CIR Conclusion: Judging Natural vs. Synthetic Safety
Several naturally derived ingredients are on the Cosmetic Ingredient Review’s (CIR's) list for consideration in 2019. This column explores how public opinion is not always in line with science, as far as what natural means. In addition, it provides CIR conclusions from December 2018.
Words from Wiechers on 'Naturals'
In this installment of our Words from Wiechers series, the late Johann challenges us to question the concept of
, as its meaning has become distorted.
The Nagoya Protocol in Action
The Nagoya Protocol is led by three main objectives: the conservation of diversity, the sustainable use of materials, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from use of these genetic resources. This overview provides greater detail.
Rising Temperatures for the Anti-Pollution Market
What does global warming mean for personal care? As air pollution climbs worldwide, targeted personal care products are becoming more desirable to prevent premature aging and protect skin health. Formulators have their eyes on efficacy and product variations to best suit multiple skin types and ethnicities.
The Issues Common With Trending Natural Ingredients: The Pitfalls of Naturals
The ever-evolving nature of skin care presents ongoing challenges for marketing claims and labeling. Here are a few things to watch out for.
The Confounding Nature of Regulating Natural Personal Care Ingredients
What makes a product safe? What makes a product nature-inspired or pseudo-natural? Existing and pending regulations—and the mixed messaging that results—create confusion for the consumer and safety dilemmas for product manufacturers.
Labeling for Legitimacy: Certifications for Natural and Organic Personal Care
Standards for organic or natural products are largely the same, although some pertain to “natural” while others do “organic.” Each program and seal is intended for a given region, which should be taken into account when targeting specified markets. Here, the author reviews the most recognized natural and organic certifiers and seals around the globe.
Labeling for Legitimacy: Certifications for Natural and Organic Personal Care
Standards for organic or natural products are largely the same, although some pertain to “natural” while others do “organic.” Each program and seal is intended for a given region, which should be taken into account when targeting specified markets. Here, the author reviews the most recognized natural and organic certifiers and seals around the globe.
Organic and Natural: Caveat Emptor
Previous columns have discussed Canadian Natural Health Products regulations but have steered clear of the natural and organic debate, although this author previously published an article that debates animal versus vegetable ingredients, in which he explains that a chemical is a chemical regardless of its origin; a molecule of glycerin is just that, whether from natural sources like animal or vegetable fat, or from petroleum or biodiesel sources.
Natural Preservatives
Traditional methods of preservation, such as those used in the food industry and some available from natural plants, suggest a natural preservative system whose components are already available to the formulator.
Organic and Natural: Caveat Emptor
Previous columns have discussed Canadian Natural Health Products regulations but have steered clear of the natural and organic debate, although this author previously published an article that debates animal versus vegetable ingredients, in which he explains that a chemical is a chemical regardless of its origin; a molecule of glycerin is just that, whether from natural sources like animal or vegetable fat, or from petroleum or biodiesel sources.
Organic Cosmetic Standards: A New Formulation Challenge
The popularity of the Ecocert cosmetic standards and the publication of the NSF standards have increased the complexity of the organic cosmetic landscape. This article reviews organic standards in cosmetics and contrasts how to formulate products based on Ecocert vs. NSF standards.
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